Attitude and Performance

We can affect our performance based on how we feel about ourselves and what our expectations are for our game. Are you a golfer who has experienced a "blow-up" hole, only to have it ruin the rest of your round? Have you started a round of golf with high expectations, and then felt terrible when you did not play your best and meet those expectations? Don't let your attitude impact your performance and enjoyment.

Many players base their self-worth on how well they play the game of golf. Their attitude is dictated by their game, and a bad round equates to a bad attitude. Some have a hard time separating the player from the person, and they let their scores define who they are as a person. These individuals put additional pressure on themselves by attaching self-worth to the way they play. They think people will view them as a better person, because they have a better golf game. This player gains confidence from seeing the ball going in the hole a lot in practice, which they believe will in turn, determine future results or outcomes on the course. These players are often driven by their own personal insecurities, such as the fear of failure. This can be a very unfulfilling approach to this great sport.

Great performers in the arts and in athletics alike, have some common traits. They believe in themselves and their ability. They never get too high or too low, and they are able to bounce back after a difficult situation. This player gains confidence from growth; often reflecting on past successes, realizing that future success has more to do with the right attitude or being the right state of mind. The process for these players, can be just as rewarding as a good outcome.

We are in control of our attitude. It is a choice we all make, every day, and through every round. While we all may struggle from time to time with a negative outlook, or low self esteem after a bad performance - the choice to change and improve is up to you. 

"Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots - but you have to play the ball where it lies."  - Bobby Jones

Practice Facilities

The golf industry has been required to change and adapt as the golf business and market has shifted. All golf professionals and facilities should continually evolve, learn, and grow in this changing environment. One aspect of the game that is important to me, is the course practice area. Like the industry, practice facilities need to evolve and improve.

The practice facility, or "driving range,” has typically been the last thought in the development process of a course. As a result, many ranges are forced into a less than adequate space. I have been to countless "high end" golf courses that had terrible practice facilities. Many are too small, with not enough room to hit your driver; poor layout with bad targets; and often void of a dedicated short game area. Those of us lucky enough to be associated with the Running Y, have access to a great practice facility. The creators dedicated plenty of land to develop a large range, and had the insight to build multiple short game areas.

Similar to the evolution of golf and instruction, there is now heightened awareness around how and where players practice. Countless instructors, including myself, speak on how golfers need to practice like they play, and in a similar environment to the golf course. However, most practice areas have not changed and evolved to meet this need. Thanks to our Running Y facilities management, a request for updates to our range has been acknowledged. Our back range has evolved to include a larger undulating area, similar to our fairways. This enables players to practice those uneven lies which are more a part of golf than the flat and even lie. Potentially, this evolution could continue into the development of a practice facility which rivals some of the best, and is designed for the player. 

Take advantage of our facilities and practice more from the uneven and awkward lie. You will find that with more variable practice, your time on the range will relate more to your time on the course. Finally, please use the sand made available on the back range to fill in your divots after your session is complete. This etiquette allows the turf to heal smoothly and provide a quality surface for future use.